Boot the VM and you should have a network connection now you can go and download new Android applications, surf the Interenet etc.

When the installation is done, click next and then click finish. Change the line where the default adapter created by VMware Workstation from E1000 to vlance.
#How to download android os for vmware how to
How to Install Android OS on Vmware Workstation on Windows 10 SUBSCRIBE for. Configure the location where you want to install Android and click next. Before you begin, install VisualGDB and download an x86 Android image from.The last update of this Android OS for PC was based on Android Marshmallow. The system requirements of Remix OS are a 2 GHz dual-core processor (at least), 2 GB system memory and a minimum of 8 GB of free hard drive space. On the component section also click next and make sure that the Android studio and Android Virtual device boxes are checked. The Remix OS is based on Android-x86 and is available to free download, it supports 32-bit & 64-bit systems and UEFI boot.Installing Android Studio on Windows operating system is easy like eating ice cream. Memory will automatically be set to 256MB. Choose Use ISO image option to use the downloaded ISO file. Create a new virtual machine template on VMware Player. If you are using Android studio 4 windows then you have to download the dot EXE extension don’t download the other version because it cannot install directly in windows 11. First, download an ISO image of Android-x86 from the official source.

In my case, I am running windows 11 inside my primary computer so I’m going to download the Android Studio for Windows 64 bit.